Clorox Healthcare Hydrogen Peroxide Disinfectant Wipes, Unit of Issue: TUB (155 Sheets per tub)
SKU: 30825
115 Sheets per Canister
You’ll get fast kill times on over 38 pathogens, including 13 antibiotic-resistant ones.† That’s more EPA-registered kill claims for antibiotic-resistant organisms than PDI® Super Sani-Cloth® wipes and CaviWipes™ combined.
* Based on 30-second to 1 minute bacteria and virus contact times for disinfecting on Federal Master Labels of leading Healthcare wipes as of 10/2011. Use as directed on hard, nonporous surfaces.
† Use as directed, refer to the EPA master label for a complete list of organisms and contact times.
‡ SARS-CoV-2 on hard, nonporous surfaces.